Re: Background colour gradients

by Moira Ashleigh <moira(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 9 Nov 1998 23:18:03 -0500
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  hwg
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am not aware of any way to do this on the web.

The background image could be put into a table width set at 100% but that
will only be viewable on some of the browsers. And besides in addition to
resolution when you get to 256 color a gradient will most likely band
anyway - not to mention it will look different in Mac than PC.

Perhaps you might just decide what size the page will be and put all of
theinformation within a table of that size which is also the size of the
background image then set a background color for the page that is the final
color on the righthand side of the page.

I just had some fun building that used black and
white as doors to a dual site, but sorry no gradient.

>I am trying to put a gradient background onto a web site that I am
>designing. ie white on the left of the screen graduating to black on the
>right hand side.
>The problem is that the only way I can find to do it is to place a graphic
>on the page background. This works fine for the designed resolution ie
>800x600 but of course looks horrible at any other resolution as the image
>is a fixed size in pixels. Is there anyway to make the actual page
>background graduate accross a page so that resolution doesn't matter ie it
>always looks the same?

Moira Ashleigh
Lead Designer
SolsticeSun Design

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